Sunday, December 22, 2013

The bus driver, the bank, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles," and nailbiting

The holidays are stressful for a lot of people. Usually, my family goes to grandma's house for Christmas Eve dinner and gifting, then proceeds to mid-night mass at our church, the kids fall into bed once we go home....and I stay up the rest of the night attempting to wrap all the presents before daylight--or the kids wake up, whichever comes first. I can hear you thinking, "Wrap them when you get them!" "Why are you doing this?" "Don't get that many presents!" "Do it ahead of time!" Well, there aren't that many presents. And I've had the other thoughts myself. So far, they haven't translated into action. This usually is a little stressful but not overly so.

Well, going into the holidays with a

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Immanuel Needs a Miracle

When I started this journey three years ago, I called this my faith adoption thinking I would name the little girl I would adopt something that meant faith. Boy, was I wrong. Pun intended. This has been an adoption testing my faith at every turn. Folks who've been on this journey with me  know the long hours I have put in to raise funds via work, selling Tupperware, making crafts to sell at bazaars, and my fundraising efforts through organizations such as Reece's Rainbow, Go Fund Me, and Bonfire funds. People have graciously donated to both of the first two funds for which I am forever grateful. I've applied for foundation grants and was very, very grateful to receive one grant which will cover a third of the mandatory orphanage donation fee.

Immanuel needs a miracle now.  Funding fell through for my plane tickets--there's a long story there of what happened and didn't happen while I was dealing with a crisis due to actions of a bus driver at my kids' school. Airplane tickets now are $2700 and above, and rising.  I have to get to China by December 28th. There's no budge room, not even a little. I have to get Immanuel on December 30th or he loses his chance for a family forever. This weekend, when I should be making final preparations, cleaning house, and finishing up stuff from work,  I am now in crisis for this child. I am his last hope. I cannot, will not, let him down.

Donations to either Reece's Rainbow or Go Fund Me are needed now. Word needs to be spread beyond the base of folks following the journey here and on FB. Make Immanuel's dream of a family come true this Christmas.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ginger on a Mission

So incredibly grateful for this support! You have got to go check out their designs! So beautiful! Thank you thank you thank you!
Ginger on a Mission is feeling lead to help a specific family racing against time and would like to donate 75% of our sales to the Terry Tomaszewski family as they need to get their aging out boy by January 1st! This is a desperate situation as in Immanuel's country, he will lose his chance to be adopted on that date!

Please consider donating or purchasing from our site: and specify the Tomaszewski family. Read their story here:

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Little bits of this and that

We received article 5 approval this week. Travel has been pushed back to December 26th with a potential consular appointment on December 30th, the last day we can possibly go. It is both a relief that the date has been pushed back and a worry since there won't be any budget room. Fundraising from all sources has jumped to nearly $2,000 for which we are extremely grateful and thankful. I'll get to work a regular work schedule for the next two weeks--weather permitting.

Got to wondering about slacks, socks, shoes, and gloves/mittens for our boy. Are there companies which make apparel for children who have limb and digital differences?

Hope you all rest easy this night in peace and comfort, and may that peace and comfort be extended to those without.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Calling all superheros!

You don't need a cape, the ability to leap tall buildings, or a special automobile. This t-shirt will make you a hero and empower you to give Immanuel a family,  enable him to walk, and inspire others to become superheros too! This shirt will only be available for a short time so hurry and get yours today! Quality short, long, and hoodie styles available. More information at the link below. For every shirt purchased, $15 will be donated to Immanuel's adoption. We must order 50 shirts for Bonfire to print them up and make a donation. Oh, and for every 10 shirts on an order, they will give you one free!