Friday, July 5, 2013

1/23/2013 Convergences

This week I am dealing with convergences. What kind of convergences you ask? Everything happening at once. In November/December several areas of life conspired to have major amounts of paperwork due all at the same time. Now, household repairs. Not the ones I had been planning to do or knew I needed to do. No siree! In the past week two sinks, one toilet, the front gate, and refrigerator (just over a year old mind you!) have broken, needed repairs or required more repairs. So I've repaired the toilet, taken apart sink one and am poised to install the new hardware for it, began installation of a grab bar so HH can get in and out of the tub without problems, new hardware for the hand towel ring, TP roller, and will be ordering a double towel bar so all the kids will have their own place to hang their towels. The old towel bars, et al never stayed up. There must be some secret to tightening those teeny screws that are supposed to hold them on the brackets. Not sure what it is but I missed that lesson. In all of this, I realized I probably will need to install railings for the front and back steps for HH...there are only two steps up each but it likely will be something we'll need to do.

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